FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions)

Here are some of the most commonly asked questions by sellers and buyers

1. When is the right time to buy/sell?

This depends on a variety of factors. A good time to consider selling is when market inventory is low and demand is surging, which typically results in higher prices. A good time to consider buying is the opposite; when there are more homes available than there are willing buyers, which ultimately pulls prices down.
If you're a buyer, you may have more negotiating power if a home has been on the market for awhile. Conversely if you are a seller, the more accurately your home is priced, the higher the likelihood that you will garner significant buyer interest, which puts you in the driver's seat.

2. What are the costs involved in purchasing/selling a home?

Buyers - Check out the cost information on the Buyer's Financial Information page.
Sellers - Check out the cost information on the Seller's Financial Information page.

3. What should I consider when buying an investment?

Does the area have an infrastructure that can support population, income and employment growth?
Are there any planned transportation improvements coming up? Homes with easy access to public transportation lines typically sell faster and for a higher price.
One of the keys for long term profitability of an investment property is selecting one that is in the right location. Ease of access to public transportation and close proximity to amenities such as shopping malls, recreation centers and restaurants are all important. These important factors will likely contribute positively to the profitability of an investment property in the long run.
Ready to make your move? Contact Irfan & Aly Today!

Get In Touch

Irfan Keshavjee

RE/MAX Crest Realty

#1 - 5050 Kingsway  Burnaby,  B.C.  V5H 4C2 

Mobile: 604-619-6786

Phone: 778-239-1075


Get In Touch

Irfan Keshavjee

Mobile: 604-619-6786

Phone: 778-239-1075


Office Info

RE/MAX Crest Realty

#1 - 5050 Kingsway  Burnaby,  B.C.  V5H 4C2 

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